Should I get a Second Opinion?

Should I get a second opinion?
In the ideal world, yes.
But it depends on what kind of cancer you have, and what kind of resources are available to you. At the very least, the pathological diagnosis should be confirmed. 2 different pathologists should review the biopsy slides, and if they have any doubt, they should be sent to a 3rd expert to review. The pathological diagnosis is the foundation on which all future decisions are made.
If you have an early stage, common cancer, the treatments have been standardized. The treatments have been determined by Stage (which we have previously reviewed), and other characteristics, and can easily be undertaken in the community setting.
If you have a rare cancer, it is worth going to a major Cancer Center, where they have the opportunity to have experts who specialize in the uncommon cancers. They will have access to clinical trials and cutting edge treatments. If they recommend standard treatments, which can be delivered by an oncologist closer to home, it is easier on you and your family to receive treatment close by. If the community oncologist and University oncologist can agree on a treatment plan, and can communicate well, it is really worth it to stay close to home.
If you live in country where there are referral facilities, then it is worth having a second opinion. If you live in a country where it is not the norm, because of the culture or access issues, use the web based information wisely. Some of it applies to you, most of it doesn’t.
I have reviewed records for many friends and family overseas and am hoping to set up a service to do that for others. So stay tuned. 
Till then, I will continue to blog to provide information that may be useful.