What is safe to eat when I am on on chemotherapy?

What is safe to eat when I am on chemotherapy?


When you are on chemotherapy, your immunity is low, and you have to watch for food borne illnesses.


 Follow general food safety rules.


-Wash your hands well with soap and warm water before any food preparation.

-Keep meat and fish, and produce separate from each other.

-Refrigerate food promptly after buying.

-Do not thaw food on the kitchen counter; thaw in the refrigerator or microwave, or in cold water. Use promptly.

-Check cans to make sure they are not dented.

-Buy pasteurized milk and milk products

-Cook meat and fish well; use meat thermometers if possible

-Cook eggs till yolks and whites are firm

-Boil soups and gravy when reheating

-Reheat deli meats and hot dogs.

-Wash all salad ingredients well

-Cook all vegetables.


The mantra is Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill.