supportive services

Fish Oil supplements and Cancer treatment.

I’ve changed my mind on Fish oil supplements during cancer treatment. The data that continues to accumulate shows a benefit in reducing colon cancer rates, and improving the time to disease progression in Stage 4 colon, lung and breast cancer patients. There are situations not to take them like a pre-operative interval or if there is a risk of bleeding, Overall, there is benefit, but do discuss it with your own treating oncologist.

How to find your balance?

Finding your balance:

            Dealing with a cancer diagnosis or any other chronic illness starts an internal tug of war for both patients and family members.  There is a balance between acknowledging the difficulty of facing a life changing diagnosis, the sorrow, the anger and the frustration, with the strength needed to get through gathering and processing the information.

How to preserve fertility during Cancer Treatments?

How to preserve fertility during and after cancer treatments?

This is an important question to address during treatment planning, as all potential chemotherapy can cause infertility, in both men and women. Most of the malignancies that affect people in their young childbearing ages are potentially curable, and the possible effect on future childbearing needs to be discussed.

Does a positive attitude help with Cancer Management?

Does a positive attitude help with cancer management?


There is a lot of belief in a positive attitude helping “fight cancer”, but it is unclear what actual connection that has in cure rates. The “Mind-Body Connection” is a popular philosophy, and the practice of yoga and meditation has helped in the management of chronic problems such as hypertension, arthritis, fatigue, anxiety disorders, etc.